Last weekend I went in search of a bookstore called Island Books (picture above) to find a book I needed for a class. I had only the name of the bookstore, and a poorly drawn map...It turns out I went completely the wrong direction, then finally got some instruction from a friendly local. Being located in a small alley off the beaten path I would have never found it on my own. It was definitely worth the journey though! It is quite quaint, and the owner is very nice. I spent three hours in there looking at books, and chatting with the owner. She is British and has lived in Malta for 30 years; she also owns 24 cats...an interesting character. Too bad books aren't weightless, otherwise my book collection would double in size!

Above is the Mosta dome. It is the biggest church and is visible from most places in Malta. This dome has very interesting history! "On June 9 in 1942, three enemy bombs struck the dome while 300 churchgoers waited to hear Mass. Two of the bombs bounced off and landed in the square without exploding. The third pierced the dome, smashed off a wall and rolled across the floor of the church. Miraculously, no one was hurt and the bomb failed to detonate. A replica of the bomb can be seen in the church sacristy, to the left of the altar."
-Lonely Plant Malta Book
I have not yet seen the interior of the church, but plan to do so soon.

Above and below are pictures of a house I like because of the huge shrub like tree growing from it with beautiful pink flowers.

Below: The corner of a restaurant with a purple vine growing on the side of it. Mosta is very unique!